2021-12-30 No Name Harbor Anchorage

Nothing really to report about Thursday. Spent the day playing with our Atoll SUP, swimming and dabbling around the boat.

The anchorage was very calm after about 6 or 7pm. The current and the wind shifted throughout the day and night. More times than not, the bridle were underneath the boat which was a bit concerning. That said, we didn’t drag the anchor one bit.

My only frustration with the anchorage is that of power boaters. For some reason, folks find it necessary to blow through the anchorage at 10 knots or more causing what was really a pretty calm an tranquil anchorage into something rocky early morning…why do they find it necessary to pass between the boats or the boats and the shore, I don’t know. The channel is plenty wide enough and it would have been very considerate just to head out 100 yards or so into the channel. In the words of Forest Gump: “Stupid is as stupid does.”