Matheson Hammock Marina & Fuel Dock

Once Shawn arrived and we were all loaded up, we pushed off around 11 A.M. or so and headed out to Biscayne Bay and over to Matheson Hammock Marina and Fuel Dock.

I’ve always had anxiety entering in a new Marina, not sure on what sorts of things we might encounter. However, this visit to the fuel dock was pretty un-eventful given this was only the second time I’ve docked the boat. Fortunately, there were no other boats waiting nor were there boats at the dock, so we had it all to ourselves.

Unfortunately, we needed to wait around for about 30 minutes or so for the attendant to get back from lunch. I’ve yet to really figure out the simplest way of fueling While One. One person is usually at the nav station watching the take monitor, yelling out percentages and the other is fueling. Of course, there’s quite a bit of latency due to the filtering on the fuel gauge to take out the fluctuations due to boat moving. Always fearful of overfilling, I have a diaper over the fuel vent listening and feeling for any fuel. Despite all of this, I’m still not convinced I’ve got the tank fully filled. When I do the math based on the percentage on how much fuel the tank should take, it seems to be well above the amount when we finally read full. It’s weird.

We picked up some snacks, ice, frozen bait and about $250 worth of fuel.

While One at Matheson Hammock Fuel Dock