
Mike and I are in Rock Sound, Eleuthera. We try to take a nice long walk every morning. I find that I look forward to the walk. It lets us explore the town, gets us moving early, and gives us a fresh mind before we sit down to work.

On this early Thursday morning, we set out for our normal walk. We decide to walk by the Ocean Hole. We saw these sweet dogs on the side of the road. We stopped and said hello to them.

The dogs took a liking to us and escorted us to the Ocean Hole, then down the road to every spot we went afterwards. No matter where we stopped, they waited and set out with us when we were ready.

We were walking down this rural road and it looked like one of them saw something in the tall grass. The dog walked slowly, quietly, then it pounced. A baby chick. The mom of the chick started crying and causing a fuss. The dog was determined to catch the chick. He accomplished his goal and the baby chick was in his mouth. He proudly showed us his accomplishment.

The mom of the baby chick wouldn’t stop crying. Mourning the death of her baby. This piercing cry went on for as long as we were in earshot. It made me think…

Don’t we as moms have a piece of us that weeps when one of ours is in pain? Is struggling? I couldn’t get this thought out of my mind. Motherhood, whether it be a chicken or a human, motherhood is the same. Mothers love and protect their own. And grieve when something happens to our babies. I’ll never forget the sound of the chicken crying. I totally understood. I have felt the exact same way.

2 thoughts on “Motherhood”

  1. Agreed! There is something special about being a mother. It brings aches and pains as you see your children struggle at times, and happiness and delight when they find their path…

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