No Name Harbor Anchorage

The trip from Matheson Hammock Fuel Dock over to an anchorage outside of No Name Harbor is about an hour or so. We decided to try to find a spot to anchor inside No Name Harbor but upon motoring around inside, we determined it was too tight for our liking so out we went to find a spot outside.

I had taken Wednesday off from work and Ken and I had plans to run into Key Biscayane to pick up additional groceries. We dropped the dinghy in the water and headed off to No Name Harbor to tie up. Shawn stayed back on the boat and worked.

I had some adhesive to glue my registration numbers on the dinghy shipped to a UPS store that we needed to pick up. I had been told that the Virtual Doorman service cost a small fee but it ended up not costing me anything. Not sure if that was a mistake.

Anyway, the State Park to the UPS store, Wynn Dixie and Wynn Dixie liquor store is about 4 miles, ISTR. Getting there’s a piece of cake. Getting back with all of our groceries is good exercise. We brought our backpacks to help.

That night, all three of us went in to grab dinner at the Boater’s Grill. Suffice it to say, it was rather so-so and doubt I’ll go back. In fact, I’m rather disappointed 9 times out of 10 restaurants I’ve eaten at visiting by boat. It doesn’t matter whether it was the BVI, San Francisco and now Florida, they all seem to be meh.

Anyway, we all ordered a whole, deep fried Snapper to share. Ordering a Dark and Stormy, a guy from the bar came over and asked me what was in it. I told him he should tell me, it was on the menu. I ended up getting a Rum and Coke, that was simple enough. Anyway, we all ordered a whole, deep fried Snapper to share and some appetizers.

Golden Hour at No Name Harbor Anchorage
Awesome Sunset