Product Reviews

Where it makes sense, I will provide my review of various products, both common and marine, that have have purchased for my refit and upcoming cruise.

From time to time, I may also offer up my experience in finding the least expensive sources for these parts and products. In many cases, I have found the least expensive sources for these parts and products from Amazon, many times elsewhere. In the event that I purchased the product from Amazon, I will provide a link. Without a doubt, you have to be careful about counterfeit and products of sub-par quality on Amazon nowadays. When I find a good deal for a high-quality part, I think it makes sense to document that.

FULL DISCLOSURE: As part of the Affiliate Marketing program with Amazon, I will receive a small percentage of the sales of any product for which you have clicked on the link and subsequently purchased. To my knowledge, this does not change the cost of the product to you. Unlike other sites I’ve come across, I’m not going to list everything and anything that looks interesting but only those products from which I have purchased and have found to be high-quality.