Sarah Creek Anchorage

We splashed yesterday morning but the winds were quite brisk and gusty. Upon speaking with Steve, the Yard Manager, he seemed to suggest he needed us out first thing. Once we dropped in, however, he delighted us with allowing us to stay the night. I can’t say enough good things about just how polite, kind and professional the folks at Zimmerman Marine are.

37º15.3846’N 76º28.5840’

I awoke to a knock on the hull at 7am this morning with a few guys going to help put the jib back on…turns out, the halyard and the painter wouldn’t feed into the mast so they had to go up the mast to aid…1:30 later we were off on our way to York River Yacht Haven. We had a nice sail with just the jib, barely used the engines the entire way.

We have a slip until at least the 18th to wait out Nicole. Unfortunately, the marina is closed on Wednesday so we’re anchored outside in Sarah Creek. The water is thin and there’s not a lot of room. We were the third to anchor and just now another catamaran came in to anchor. It took us about 6 or 7 passes to get out anchor set….noobs! I’m much closer to shore than I want to be but anchoring always gives me anxiety….I hope that gets easier. I’m envious of the spots the two prior boats got first!