What’s Wrong with this Reel?

It’s a lazy Sunday anchored off the entrance of Spanish Wells. I decided to take the dinghy over the Meeks Patch and do some fishing. The only fish I caught was a Barracuda…he’s eating something, where are the other fish? Clearly I don’t know how to fish in the Bahamas.

Anyways, the reel was acting weird, seizing up while bringing in the lure or getting stuck when letting the lure out. After the barracuda, I set off back to the boat.

I proceeded to take the reel apart, applying grease to various gears and the like…and then past memories of the Grandfather came to mind. My Grandfather LOVED fishing. I have a ton of memories of him taking me at various stocked lakes around Cincinnati/Hamilton County. He passed when I was 13 or 14. Prior to his death, he has placed an order for a new fishing boat. I never saw that boat, I think it was ultimately given to or purchased by his friend nextdoor. But, I can remember stories of him pulling his boat down to Florida…which I ultimately learned to be Sarasota when I was older, to fish. He’d take me in his backyard and teach me how to cast. He’d teach me how tie a fishing not. He even showed me how he made his own sinkers…he had a couple of lead casts that he’d melt down lead, insert pieces of coat hanger, and make sinkers (the coat hangers were ultimately removed leaving a hole to pass the line).

He retired from the Cincinnati power company, I believe, but I think if he had greater means, he’d be living on the water. There were so many stories of fishing and to this day, looking at old pictures, I see a ton of pictures of their catches. Anyways, I started to wonder where my love of water came from. Was I born with it?

My father used to take me canoeing. He’d always tell my sister and I not to stand up in the boat. One trip on a lake, he stood up to take a picture of something…and over he went with all of his expensive photography equipment. My dad loved water.

I used to take that canoe down the Little Miami River in Cincinnati with my Cousin after my Grandfather passed. My Grandmother would drive us upstream of the river and let us go…oh, the fun two young adolescents can have on a river!

My Stepfather had a runabout. I can remember the many trips boating on the Ohio river after picking up a bucket of chicken. What a blast.

When I was old enough to drive, my Grandmother used to let my cousin and I take the runabout down on the Ohio River…ALONE. What!? We skied and cruised down near downtown.‘

Anyways, when I was a kid, I used to dream of how I’d fix up my Grandfather’s runabout to live on. I figured I could fit a bed up underneath the bow…clearly, these were kid dreams but I’ve long had an attraction for being near, playing on or living on the water.

Sherine got me sailing lessons when we lived in the suburbs of Chicago. Learned to sail on a J-24. Oh what fun. I can remember once I passed my Sailing 101, I somehow came home with a Hunter Sailboat brochure….I’m going to buy one of these one day.

This life I’m living right now has been a work in progress for nearly all of my life. All of my prior boating experiences and boats have one by one built the foundation enabling me to do what we’re doing. I am so very fortunate to be able to realize this dream.


We sold our house and left San Jose, CA on October 22, 2022 to pursue my nearly lifelong dream of cruising on a sailboat in the Caribbean. I get bored with the same-old and we’ve been living in California for nearly 18 years but now it was time for something new. Something to push us out of our comfort zone. Something that was going to introduce us to new people and places.

For months prior to October, we spent our time packing and planning. Packing a house of 3500 sq. feet and things we and our three kids have acquired over 18 years was much more challenging than I had imagined. We finally packed up the U-haul on October 22, 2022 of the items we staged to go to the boat and some things that didn’t fit in the Pod that we were sending to Sarasota, FL, our new residence. At the time of writing this, we have 4 storage rooms. Three in Virginia and one in Florida. Two of the storage units in Virginia will ultimately be emptied when we finally return to Virginia to put While One on the hard in June. JK Moving has the rest of our household belongings for long term storage.

I thought I’d start this blog to capture all of the places we’ve either visited or passed through since starting this adventure. This will be a living blog, updated as we visit new places.

San Jose, CA to Sarasota, FL 2022 — 4000+ miles

  • Gilroy, CA
  • Los Banos, CA
  • Kettleman City, CA
  • San Fernando, CA
  • Glendale, CA
  • Pasadena, CA
  • San Bernardino, CA
  • Palm Springs, CA
  • Palm Desert, CA
  • Blythe, CA (The last place we got Gas at and paid California prices!!!)
  • Quartzsite, AZ
  • New Hope, AZ
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Tucson, AZ
  • Benson, AZ
  • Wilcox, AZ
  • Bowie, AZ
  • San Simon, AZ
  • Lordsburg, TX
  • Deming, TX
  • Las Cruces, TX
  • White Sands, TX
  • Santa Rosa, TX
  • Tucumcari, TX
  • Amarillo, TX
  • Pampa, TX
  • Canadian, TX
  • Enid, OK
  • Tulsa, OK
  • Little Rock, AK
  • Memphis, TN
  • Nashville, TN
  • Hendersonville, TN
  • Cardiff, TN
  • Knoxville, TN
  • Asheville, NC
  • Statesville, NC
  • Cornelius, NC
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Kannapolis, NC
  • Greensboro, NC
  • Durham, NC
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Wake Forest, NC
  • Richmond, VA
  • West Point, VA
  • Mathews, VA
  • Williamsburg, VA
  • Yorktown, VA
  • Gloucester, VA
  • Beaufort, NC
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Tampa, FL
  • Ocala, FL
  • Sarasota, FL

Sarasota, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL (214 Miles)

  • Venice, FL
  • Cape Coral, FL
  • Naples, FL
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL

Bahamas 2023

  • Alice Town, Bimini
  • Bailey Town, Bimini
  • Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands
  • Chub Cay, Berry Islands
  • Spanish Wells, Eleuthera

Happiness Is a Clean, Unobstructed Set of Solar Panels

A fellow veteran cruiser, Elizabeth Randall, told Sherine that she washes and cleans her panels everyday. Of course, I’ve always been curious about how much it really impacts the panels themselves looking at my panels on top of my two prior homes in San Jose, CA. They get filthy! But of course, in no way am I going up on the room to clean them…but I suspect folks do.

So, I decided to find out. I woke up and checked solar production. While this far from a comprehensive test, I thought I’d report it anyways. If I were to do this right, I’d track solar production over a week or so doing nothing and then track it cleaning the panels. In any case, I think it’s good information.

While One has 4 410W Sunpower Panels run into two MPPT controllers. One for Port and one for Starboard. At ~0900, While One is facing pretty much north due to the strong 20kt winds. I calculated the panels were producing about 298W. I cleaned all the panels and production seemed to increase to about 355W or possibly more. Moving the boom to Port so that it didn’t put a shadow across the panels, production increased to over 500W.

So essentially, cleaning the panels, which were really dirty by the way, produced about 20% more power.

Despite having 1600W of Solar, I can tell you that it hasn’t been enough to completely compensate for our power needs. Granted, we’re not trying to conserve. Yeah, we turn stuff off when we can but the inverter is running 24-7 and we’re powering several computers, Starlink, two freezers and two refrigerators. We generally run the generator when we make water. In any case, despite still running the generator about 6 hours this week, we went from nearly 70% state of charge (SOC) to about 32% SOC between Monday and Saturday morning.

I think my next improvement will be to install a higher current charger from the generator. At present, we only have about 80A capacity to charge our 1320Ah Li Ion battery bank. This would take about 18 hours (likely more) to charge to full. I estimate about 0.5 gallons/hour to run the generator at light loads (which is bad for the engine) so we’re talking 9 gallons or about $45 with $5.00/gallon diesel. Yikes!

Anyways, we can clearly do more to save water and power but “Happy Wife is a Happy Life”.

29 Day Check-in

We showed up at Zimmerman’s marina in Mathews, VA on November 4th. Today will be about the 29th day I’ve woken up on the boat and so I thought I’d capture some thoughts on this journey.

We’ve had several interruptions along the way. The first handful of days were spend on the hard trying to get the boat ready. Then, there was a couple weeks of waiting for the weather to leave Virginia and round Hatteras. A week or so waiting around in Beaufort, NC before finally throwing in the towel and renting a car to be able to take delivery of our POD at our Sarasota house. Then we had several weeks waiting for the weather in Sarasota before finally making the crossing to Bimini.

A little less than a week at Bimini and back to the states we flew to spend Christmas with family. Good grief, it’s been a tad bit crazy. An now we’re getting ready to close up the boat again for a week as I need to fly back to Cupertino for work.

Suffice it to say, Sherine and I are still trying to figure this whole thing out. We have to remind ourselves this break in ritual is exactly why we set out to do this. We get board with the monotony of the same-old schedule week after week. I’d be lying if I said juggling work with the necessity of traveling back and forth to the states or waiting for the weather wasn’t difficult or a tad frustrating.

I’m starting to recognize now that many of the frustrations, anxieties and challenges I feel now I’ve brought with me and that they haven’t been caused by this new lifestyle. I guess I always had the sense this was the case but had somehow convinced myself this new lifestyle would resolve everything.

Don’t get me wrong. This lifestyle has been doing wonders. While I sit here and complain about the stress, frustration and anxiety I still have, it’s not to say it hasn’t gotten progressively better. At least for me, it takes work and that for anybody considering this lifestyle, don’t be trapped into thinking it will solve all of your problems of your conventional life.

So, there are a few things I can note that we need to work on.

  • Sherine and I are still working and since Apple is 3 hours behind us, this is particularly challenging. We have not been very good at communicating and planning this time in the morning before which Cupertino finally wakes up.
  • The time difference also makes it difficult to plan for exercise and also meals. 8pm EST is 5pm PST and to wait until then to eat doesn’t sit well with my stomach. As a result, I’ve not been a particularly good partner in the making of meals. I’m not sure what the right answer here is other than to try to do better on my end to re-schedule my evening meetings — something which has proven to be difficult to do.
  • We’ve got to figure out how to get regular exercise into our life. On one hand, we are a tad bit more active than when we’re on land, I think. Boat life is not easier than on land, it’s harder…even if it’s just by 10%. That said, one of the reasons for getting out of the rat race has been to focus more on our health and this new lifestyle has been far from successful in allowing us to do this.