The Perfect Storm

This is a delayed post written on September 28, 2022.

Ian is hours from making Landfall on Southwest Florida and over the top of my Father’s house that I have recently purchased from my sister. The Market in Bear market territory. The housing marking contracting and well off its peak and, of course, the threat of Nuclear war from the egomaniac Putin. Yes, this seems like a Perfect Storm for anxiety, worry and angst for almost anybody, let alone someone quickly approaching retirement! The nagging question of “What are you doing?” is like a 90dB siren in my head.

As I sit contemplating this, I figured there’s a lesson in this somewhere although I suspect I’ll have to circle back on this post in 6 months or so with my learnings…

My retirement has been in the works for nearly a year since I first gave notice to my boss. At that time, our investments were near their peaks. Our property had never been appraised higher. The economy was firing on all cylinders. It seemed like the stars and the sun aligned and this was the perfect time to make such a transition. This is not something Sherine and I took lightly. We’re planners. In fact, we’ve been planning this event for many years and the date has been moved at least twice, if not more. Of course, we had been working toward the goal of retirement for 30 years or more, socking away money anywhere we can and investing it smartly.

I recognize that even with everything going on, I’m still very fortunate. In the words of Joe Walsh, “I really can’t complain, but sometimes I still do.”. I’m human after all. I could be better, I know this.

At the end of the day, in the mist of a Storm like this, it’s easy to jump to conclusions quickly. My house, that I just replaced the roof on, will have it’s windows blown in and the house will be flooded. Ian will continue up the coast and cause mass destruction up in Virginia where my boat is sitting. The market will continue to drop 40% and the housing market will completely collapse with 10% mortgage interest rates. Follow this with large-scale deaths due to Nuclear war and a un-rest in the United States due to our ridiculous left and right wing politicians. Yeah, it can get a LOT worse.

But, I have to remind myself that I’m spinning out. I can’t control these things and even further, the likelihood of ALL of these things happening is likely just as unlikely as winning the lottery. At least this is what I hope.

I don’t know what the lessons will be from this. However, I do know this. Firstly, Sherine and I do not make rash decisions. They’re well thought out and we belabor over the smallest of details. Secondly, life is so short. Having just lost another friend to cancer at age 52, I am repeatedly reminded of this. At the end of the day, we’re going to be OK and it’s only money. Lastly, Sherine and I have a very strong marriage and at the end of the day, we’ll have each other.