The Transition is Hard

It’s 75ºF at 5:30pm as I sit in my bean bag chair, eagerly awaiting yet another peaceful, beautiful sunset. I’m not sure what I expected at this point transitioning into a new lifestyle.

Despite folks repeatedly telling me how relaxed I look, I’m not sure I completely feel what they suggest they’re saying. It must be true…at least, I must be way more relaxed than I presented when I was working full-forced at Apple in Cupertino. However, I’d be lying if I told you I felt completely relaxed. Why? What’s going on? Where did I think I’d be in terms of my mental health sitting at Great Harbour Cay in the Bahamas at the end of January?

Clearly, I had a lot of expectations. Winding down my employment at Apple has been far harder than I ever anticipated it would be. I did expect some of the feelings that I’m having, but I guess I didn’t think they’d be so pronounced. It’s tough. After working nearly 18 years at Apple, I don’t know why I think I’d be able to unwind in a few months or less. I’ve spent my entire career at Apple and prior literally killing myself, giving everything I could to the company that fed my family.

It’s so very tough to be working right now. Despite my best efforts of setting expectations to my management and with myself, I find it so very hard to walk the line of earning my paycheck and putting in the 100% I’m accustomed to giving my employer and completely divorcing myself from all that I work on. I don’t know how to do it. I’ve not had to do it before. To be fair, I’m very gracious that Apple has provided this opportunity. I don’t want to leave on a bad note.

I suspect that once April comes, I’m going to go through yet another phase of this lifestyle change. No paycheck. Nothing to schedule may day around other than what I want to do. Until then, I find myself teetering between eagerly anticipating April yet trying to remember to live in the moment and appreciate now for what now is.

One thought on “The Transition is Hard”

  1. I’m not so sure I would have a tough time transitioning Mike! However, my jog is a lot less stressful than yours ever was and will be for the next few months. Glad to see you are enjoying the sunsets amidst your bean bag chair and trying to live in the moment – never know what tomorrow brings.

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